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City Boundary updates

The Arkansas Highway & Transportation Department has provided an update to the City Boundary file. This update includes modifications to the following city boundaries:  Adona, Almyra, Amity, Arkadelphia, Austin, Bald Knob, Batesville, Bay, Beebe, Bellefonte, Belleville, Bergman, Bigelow, Biscoe, Black Oak, Bradford, Brinkley, Cabot, Caddo Valley, Casa, Cherokee Village, Clarendon, Concord, Corinth, Crossett, Cushman, Danville, […]

Arkansas Road Centerline History

This chronological list documents important historical factors leading to the completion of the Arkansas Road Centerline File. Mid-1980s –The U.S. Census Bureau develops a vector file format called Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER), which could be used to spatially represent Census information. 1985 – Arkansas Legislature adopts the Arkansas Public Safety Communications Act.  […]

Users Expand on Centerlines

The following is a collection of quotes from producers and users of the Arkansas Centerline File program. Dale Booker, Nevada County 911 Coordinator, Prescott, Ark. “In Nevada County, Centerline and Point Addressing has been in service for approximately eight years, this has greatly reduced the response time of our ambulance service, fire departments and law enforcement. All […]

Statewide Centerline Coverage Completed

The Arkansas Centerline File (ACF) program has reached its initial round of statewide completion as of August 17, 2010, with the final counties’ road centerline files being uploaded to GeoStor, the state’s geospatial database. The ACF program began in 2002 in response to state and local officials seeing the need for a common and accurate […]

Even the roads less traveled are now on the map!

*CORRECTION* Thanks to Craig Neidig for pointing out that West Virginia also has a similar road mapping project. We have updated the graphic above to include WV. The Arkansas Geographic Information Office held a press conference on August 17, 2010 to highlight the completion of the Arkansas Road Centerline file. The counties will now maintain […]

62,623 Situs Addresses Added

Thanks to Sebastian County Judge Hudson and the good folks at Western Arkansas Planning and Development District 62,623 situs address points have been added to GeoStor. That brings the total to 636,623 addresses with xy coordinates in Arkansas (graphic AGIO staff also took some time to do additional scrubbing on all (636,623) to improve quality. The file […]

Map of State Network featured in DIS presentation to Technology Committee

The following is a map produced by the AGIO that was featured in the Department of Information Systems (DIS) presentation to the Joint Committee on Advanced Communications and Information Technology (JCACIT) today . At the meeting, Rep. Pennartz said, “This visual representation of the state network is interesting.”

Images Show JW Turk Power Plant Construction

The US Department of Agriculture Farm Services Agency released the 2009 National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) data for Arkansas earlier this year.  The images here show the J.W. Turk power plant under construction.  The construction site is situated between Fulton and McNab in Hempstead County east of State Highway 355.  The image resolution is 1 […]

Drew County Orthophotography

Drew County has provided 1 foot resolution, natural color orthos for the county and half foot resolution for the City of Monticello. The data was flown and processed by Eagle Forestry Services. The data can be downloaded from as a tiff or Mr.Sid file. Thank you goes to Judge Lampkin, Mr. Horn, 911 Coordinator, and Drew County […]

Craighead County Parcel Update

Craighead County has provided an update of their parcels. The GeoStor database has been updated with the data provided. Thanks goes to Craighead County for their willingness to share data. Download – FTP (for whole state)-