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Road Centerlines: One Step Closer

The Arkansas Road Centerline file has been updated and now includes Cleveland County. Data sharing in Arkansas is nothing short of awesome. Big THANK YOU to those that continue to contribute to the Arkansas Road Centerline File effort. AGIO staff are working with Newton County and hope to have it posted in the coming months. […]

Newton County Project Marks Major Milestone

Maria Owen from AGIO talking about the draft road names for the Newton County centerline file. The project marks a significant milestone in the history of the Arkansas Centerline File program. Newton County is the last in Arkansas to undertake mapping and physical address conversion. AGIO is very proud to be working with Newton County […]

2009 NAIP Imagery Now Available

Thank you to Steve Walker, Farm Service Agency (FSA) for providing the 2009 1-meter natural color orthos created via the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP). The files are available for download via ftp: The Ortho Footprint for Files on GeoStor FTP has been updated as well:

GeoWeb Heats Up When the Weather is Sour

The January 29th weather event sweeping across the state has produced a high number of hits and searches across the geo-enabled landscape of the state. Why? Well the answer runs the gambit from curiosity, causal weather watchers and Internet junkies passing the time, to critical decision makers who are consuming relevant mapped information to marshal […]

Arkansas Road Centerline File Updated

Big thanks to all those particpating in the Arkansas Road Centerline File Program. Downloading the statewide dataset will require a FGDB. You can download the statewide datasets as a shapefile from the ftp site (TRANSP_ROADS_ACF_line) UpdatesArkansasAshleyBaxterBooneCarrollColumbiaConwayVan Buren

Arkansas ZIP+4 Data Now Available on GeoStor

January 11, 2010 The Arkansas Geographic Information Office announced today that ZIP+4® centroid coordinates and physical address points (for available counties) have been published and are available for consumption on GeoStor. The ZIP+4® centroids are created from a United States Postal Service monthly subscription by the Department of Finance and Administration (DFA), Excise Tax Division,  […]

Zip+4 and Situs Address Data Available

The Arkansas Geographic Information Office announced today that ZIP+4® centroid coordinates and physical address points (for available counties) have been published and are available for consumption on GeoStor… Read full story here: Zip+4 Data – Address Data –

Cadastral data Added and Updated

Big thanks and congratulations to all those particpating in the County Assessor Mapping Program. Roughly 107,300 centroids and 118,850 parcel polygons have been added to the CAMP databases. Downloading the statewide parcel dataset will require a FGDB. You can download the statewide datasets as a shapefile from the ftp site New FilesBaxter (pt/poly)Carroll (pt/poly)Columbia (poly)Hot […]

WGS84 Conversion

I have been working on converting all web map services to WGS84 and it is becoming a long and laborious project so I want to know if people even want to convert to WGS84. If no one wants it I’ll just leave everything as is and move on to something else. Pros: It’s a standard […]

GeoStor Update

So many things going on! Brief summary: There were some issues with raster downloads, these should be fixed now You also shouldn’t be able to download a raster data set in incompatible formats now BIG NEWS!!!! Most of our storage hardware will be out of warranty in a few months and you know what happens […]