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December 31, 2010 Weather Event

Arkansas was hit with sever weather on December 31, 2010. Damaging winds and a tornado spawned in Benton and Washington Counties.  Eagle Forestry Services ( flew damaged portions of Benton and Washington County on January 3, 2011. They have provided the data to the Arkansas Geographic Information Office for inclusion in the state GIS Platform […]

ACF Update

Benton, Grant, Lonoke, and Mississippi counties have been updated in the Arkansas Road Centerline File Statewide dataset: Filename (TRANSP_ROADS_ACF_line) Thank you to those that continue to make data available for broad use.

ACF Update

Cross and Fulton Counties have been updated in the Arkansas Road Centerline File dataset: Filename (TRANSP_ROADS_ACF_line)

GeoStor Download Issues

We believe we have found a temporary solution to the download service issues, if you do not get your notification email within a reasonable amount of time (an hour or two) please contact us so we can check into it. Glen

Address, Parcel, Road, Ortho Updates

Addresses (705,783) – This file has been scrubbed again to remove duplicate and null values dataset: Filename (STRUC_SITUS_ADDRESS_PT_point) Parcels- Van Buren County has been updated in this file dataset: Filenames (CADAS_PARCEL_POLYGON_CAMP and CADAS_PARCEL_CENTROID_CAMP) Roads- Crawford, Less Sebastian, and Scott have been updated in this file dataset: Filename (TRANSP_ROADS_ACF_line) 2010 […]

Data Updates and Additions

Thank you to those that continue to contribute data to GeoStor for public consumption. AR House of Represenatives District Application Crawford & Johnson County Situs Address Points- updated  EPA GeoData Gateway- link added Madison & Pope County Parcels- updated Circuit Courts- added Perry County Orthos- added (will be added to image service in the coming […]

GeoStor WFS

Tutorial on how to connect with ESRI: The interoperability extension does not cost anything extra to install. NOTE: If you’re using ESRI products you do NOT have to use WFS connect to our services! See this blog post for instructions on how to connect without using WFS: Our WFS services are OGC compliant […]

GeoStor Downloads

Downloads appear to be working properly, if you run into any issues please contact us. Many thanks to the diligence of Safe Software for fixing this issue as soon as possible. Glen

GeoStor Downloads Update

Downloads are still down and we are working with the vendor to get this resolved as soon as possible, we will do another blog post when everything is functional again.

GeoStor Outage

Downloads will be offline most of the weekend while we upgrade our download software to a newer version. They will be available by Monday morning at the latest. Glen