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AGIO, SoS Redistricting Office Develops Contract Template

In an effort to serve public officials with the redistricting process, the Arkansas Geographic Information Office and Secretary of State Redistricting Office developed a contract template for redistricting. Arkansas law requires county justice of peace districts, city wards and applicable school district board zones to be redrawn following each decennial census. The document was designed […]

Parcel and School Updates

Pope County Parcels have been updated in the GeoStor databasesLinks to data: dataset: blic_Statewide/ Filenames (CADAS_PARCEL_POLYGON_CAMP and CADAS_PARCEL_CENTROID_CAMP)Arkansas Public Schools k-12 file has been updated in the GeoStor Database

Massive Parcel Update – Now Available

Staff have been busy processing a major update of parcel data now available for consumption. Publication Status by County. Parcels centroids have been updated for the counties corresponding to the polygon updates listed. New parcel polygons now available for Franklin and Washington counties. Updated parcel polygons for Baxter, Boone, Chicot, Clark, Conway, Faulkner, Jackson, Little […]

County Boundary Updates

The Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department has provided four updates to county boundaries.* Graphics not displayed via email. Visit to view graphics. Data available at county lines are in blue. Red represents the previous version.Crawford / Franklin County Line Arkansas / Jefferson County Line Benton / Carroll County Line Lonoke / Pulaski County Line

Strategic Business Plan Update

Nine months ago, the AGIO published the Arkansas Geospatial Strategic Business Plan as a means of funding essential GIS improvement and maintenance projects throughout the state. In the months that followed, the plan was presented to various committees, boards and the governor’s office. Several organizations have publicly endorsed the plan, at least in part, the […]

AR Legislative Districts

The names and web addresses have been update for the House and Senate files provided via GeoStor. These represent the members of the 88th General Assembly.

December 31, 2010 Weather Event

Arkansas was hit with sever weather on December 31, 2010. Damaging winds and a tornado spawned in Benton and Washington Counties.  Eagle Forestry Services ( flew damaged portions of Benton and Washington County on January 3, 2011. They have provided the data to the Arkansas Geographic Information Office for inclusion in the state GIS Platform […]

ACF Update

Benton, Grant, Lonoke, and Mississippi counties have been updated in the Arkansas Road Centerline File Statewide dataset: Filename (TRANSP_ROADS_ACF_line) Thank you to those that continue to make data available for broad use.

ACF Update

Cross and Fulton Counties have been updated in the Arkansas Road Centerline File dataset: Filename (TRANSP_ROADS_ACF_line)

GeoStor Download Issues

We believe we have found a temporary solution to the download service issues, if you do not get your notification email within a reasonable amount of time (an hour or two) please contact us so we can check into it. Glen