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3 Bugs found during Beta Testing

Thank you to those who have been testing the GeoStor 6.0 currently in beta. Three bugs have been brought to our attention. We have ‘re-opened’ access to GeoStor 5.0 “Find Data” for downloading until we can get the issues resolved at which time we will resume testing. Summary of Bugs:1. Raster downloads fail to submit […]

New Data on Beta Site

We are pleased to announce the availability of Public Water Systems & Electric Service Territories via Public Water Systems was developed by the Arkansas Department of Health. Work is still underway but a significant amount of progress has been made. Electric Service Territories was developed by a number of electric service providers. AGIO staff […]

Exciting Times

GeoStor 6.0 was released as beta on April 13, 2009. We have learned a lot the past few weeks. Our original intent was for GeoStor 5.0 to go dark on June 20, 2009. We are still moving toward that goal, but will be doing so in a ‘slower’ manner. In the coming weeks you will […]

GeoStor 6.0 Updates

I’m about to head out the door on vacation so I’m going to make this quick J. I will be out of town the week after that for the FME User Conference in Canada (going to Canada, eh!) but I should be available in between sessions while I’m there. Flex Viewer Fixes I have modified […]

GeoStor 6.0 Updates

It has been awhile since I have posted any updates, mainly because I have been so busy working on them! Now that we have gotten our AGS services stabilized (hopefully…) I have been able to move ahead with other projects that are dependent upon AGS. I will outline what we are rolling out with this […]

GeoStor 6.0 AGS & ArcCatalog Connections

I worked with ESRI last week to get this issue resolve and it appears to be working finally. Please see my previous post on how to connect and let me know if you have any issues. The issue was with the virtual directory settings in AGS, since we are using what is considered a “web […]

You can have your GIS data searchable in GeoStor

GeoStor 6.0 (currently in beta) enables users to find and link to GIS data that is not distributed for download by GeoStor. You can see the ‘off site publishers’ currently available at the following link We would like to add your data for Arkansas. Please send us a link to your GIS data on […]

GeoStor 6.0 Updates

Well, I have been busy the past week or so fixing the bugs that folks have submitted as well as ones that we have found along the way. These are the things that I have changed since the last update: Bugs The proper metadata is being attached with downloads now (it wasn’t being modified to […]

GeoStor: New Data Available

The Arkansas Highway & Transportation Department has provided a revised layer that consists of township, range and section layer. The Arkansas 1:24000 Township, Range and Section layers were digitized and attributed utilizing information from the 1:24000 USGS Topographic Maps, General Land Office Maps, State of Arkansas Land Commission, State Surveyors Office, and several county assessors’ […]