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City Boundary and Road Centerline Updates

City Boundaries– provided by the Arkansas Highway & Transportation Department Arkansas Road Centerline file– Madison, Union, and Woodruff provided by each countyClip, format, ship- in shapefile format- (file name: TRANSP_ROADS_ACF_line)

GeoStor Update

So many things going on! Brief summary: There were some issues with raster downloads, these should be fixed now You also shouldn’t be able to download a raster data set in incompatible formats now BIG NEWS!!!! Most of our storage hardware will be out of warranty in a few months and you know what happens […]

GeoStor More Data & Updates

The following data has been added or updated throughout the GeoStor System. We appreciate all those willing to coordinate and distribute information via GeoStor- Thank You! Additions:These orthos have not been added to the High resolution ortho service. We are still working on our long term strategy to handle the high resolution orthos in an […]

GeoStor Updates

I know it has been quite some time since my last update on the blog/forum and I apologize for that. It means that I have been REALLY busy working on it, in fact if I don’t document my changes I forget most of them. Also, my trip to the ESRI UC was great, I learned […]