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Address Point File Updates

County Address Point updates available on GeoStor for Calhoun, Columbia, Pulaski, Saline and Yell. Address Point File by County: dataset: (STRUC_SITUS_ADDRESS_PT_point)Thank you to those who provide high quality data for use by the broader community.

GeoStor Assessment

The Arkansas Geographic Information Office manages Arkansas’ Geodata Platform, GeoStor. We have watched the developments of various cloud deployments and felt it was time to assess the technical and financial feasibility of transitioning GeoStor to a hosted environment (NIST Definition (pdf)). We decided the best course of action was to hire an independent firm, knowledgeable […]

State legislative districts soon to be completed

The Arkansas Board of Apportionment has been meeting for the past several weeks to finalize the new legislative districts. On Friday, July 29, at 9:30 a.m. the Board will cast its final vote on the new districts. Once finalized, the Arkansas Geographic Information Office will upload the new data to GeoStor. It should be publicly […]

2011 Parcel Grant application now available

The AGIO has released the 2011 Parcel Grant application to all counties. Any county is eligible to apply. If selected, the county must pay 40 percent of the parcel mapping cost, and the State will provide the remaining 60 percent. Please be sure to read all materials before applying so you are aware of deadlines […]

Road Centerline and Address Point Files Updated

Arkansas Road Centerline File (ACF) and Address Point File have been updated. ACF updates include: Garland, Izard, Logan, Perry, Pulaski, Stone and Yell counties.  Sebastian county has been updated in the address point file.ACF by County: dataset: (TRANSP_ROADS_ACF_line)Address Point File by County: dataset: (STRUC_SITUS_ADDRESS_PT_point)Thank you to those who continue to provide high quality data […]

AGIO continues progress with address point mapping

The problem is how to locate people, places and events using an address. The solution is developing GIS framework layers that support the process. The ACF (Arkansas Centerline File) program was started in 2002 and completed in 2010. Street level geo-coding is an adequate means of locating addresses for many purposes, but it lacks the […]

New data, new districts: How the Census affects JPs

The U.S. Census Bureau released the 2010 Census data on Feb. 11, 2011, providing updated population data for the state.  The Census comes around every ten years and results in an additional workload for county officials. The release of new data has two major effects on counties. First, it affects counties’ Quorum Court districts (aka […]

New Parcel Mapping Guidelines

The Arkansas Geographic Information Office and the online casino österreich are pleased to announce that the NEW Parcel Mapping Guidelines are now published online. You can find them on the AGIO website at The Board and the AGIO are still working on an updated application for participating counties.

AR Data Updates

Arkansas County Assessors continue to provide updates to the parcel data. Thank you-Little River and Mississippi County Parcels have been updated in the GeoStor databasesLinks to data (clip): dataset: (CADAS_PARCEL_POLYGON_CAMP and CADAS_PARCEL_CENTROID_CAMP)Stone County Addresses have been added to the GeoStor database. Address Point File by County: dataset: (STRUC_SITUS_ADDRESS_PT_point) Thank you to those who continue to […]

May 2011 Flooding

UPDATE: The files on the ftp site were updated on 5/7/2011 at 12:45. Updates included full removal of <0.25 polysRemoved the file named recl_1. It was duplicative of other coverage.  The State of Arkansas experienced extensive flooding in May of 2011. The AGIO acquired medium resolution imagery via the International Charter. The data was processed using […]