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Revised Source for Arkansas Soil Survey Data

Since early 2000’s, Arkansas Geographic Information Office (AGIO) has collaborated with Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) to provide access to soils information to users through GeoStor.  Arkansas’ initial soil mapping and digitization of soil surveys were completed through Soil Survey Geographic Databases (SSURGO) Initiative.  The state soil survey program has moved to a new phase […]

Geospatial Strategic Business Plan Endorsements

This is Arkansas’ plan! It is important that all stakeholders know this is their plan as well. We will be posting letters of endorsement on this post as we receive them. June 4, 2010- Arkansas Society of Professional Surveyors Board of Directors “Surveyors rely on the parcel data in the assessor’s office and the highly accurate digital […]

DFIRM Data Available

Digital Flood Insurance Map (DFIRM), provided by the Federal Emegency Management Agency (FEMA) has been loaded in GeoStor. The data is not available statewide as illustrated in the graphic to the right. FEMA also provides a web service which is updated more often than GeoStor recieves the data. Download data Fema page describing WMS […]

Logan County, AR Parcels

Parcels for Logan County Arkansas have been updated. Files are available to download. County / Clip: layer: Filename: CADAS.PARCEL_POLYGON_CAMP Thanks Logan County, for sharing your data

Invest $15M over 5 years

“The issue is the issue” – Shelby Johnson The Arkansas Geographic Information Office (AGIO) is leading an effort to build a coordinated Geographic Information System (GIS) for the State of Arkansas.  To achieve that goal the agency is seeking sustainable funding to invest in creating and maintaining the data.  Shelby Johnson, Arkansas GIO had the […]

11,119 Marion County Address Points Added

Thank you extended to Marion County for providing their address points for use. The address points are now available via GeoStor.County Download: Download:

Legislature to Learn About State GIS Business Plan

The Arkansas General Assembly’s Joint Committee on Advanced Communications and Information Technology (JCACIT) will be meeting in Room 130 of the State Capitol on Wednesday June 9, 2010.The committee is comprised of State House and Senate members and is set up to provide leadership on technology issues and opportunities for the State. This particular meeting […]

195,357 Address Points Added

Thank you to Benton, Faulkner, Mississippi, and White Counties for providing your data for use. The situs address points for each of these counties is now available for download. Jefferson County situs addresses were updated. The data will also be provided to for further use. This data set would not be possible without a lot of […]

Road Centerline File Updated

Miller County Arkansas road centerlines have been updated in the Arkansas Road Centerline File.County Clip: ACF Data Set: Thank you, Miller County for providing your data.

2008 Impaired Waterbodies

The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality has released the 2008 Impaired Waterbodies (303(d) List) shapefiles to GeoStor. The 2008 Impaired Waterbodies list includes the category 4a streams and lakes and the category 5 streams and lakes. This list has been formatted to reflect the guidance issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the development of […]