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Data Update: PLSS Corner Control Points

In 2015, the Division of Land Surveys was merged with the Arkansas GIS Office. The Division of Land Surveys was created in 1973 with one of its primary goals being maintenance and perpetuation of the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) of Arkansas. Many modern-day legal boundaries, used in GIS, are tied to the PLSS including […]

Data Updates: AGFC & ARDOT

The Arkansas GIS Office is pleased to announce that we have updated the below data sets on behalf of the Arkansas Game & Fish Commission and the Arkansas Department of Transportation on the Arkansas Spatial Data Infrastructure (ASDI). As always we’d like to pass along our thanks to the staffs of both of these agencies […]

Arkansas GIS Office Invitation for Bid

In order to accomplish goals articulated in the Arkansas State 911 Plan, the Arkansas GIS Office has entered into a three-year agreement with the Arkansas 911 Board for creation and maintenance of Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) compatible GIS data. A critical component of this project will be a data readiness assessment and/or gap analysis. This […]

Address Points, Road Centerlines, & Address Locator Updates

The Arkansas GIS Office is pleased to announce that we have updated the SITUS Address Point File (APF) and the Arkansas Centerline File (ACF) on the Arkansas Spatial Data Infrastructure (ASDI) for the following Counties: Arkansas, Ashley, Cross, and Newton. Additionally we’ve updated the APF for Cross and Faulkner County. As always we’d like to […]

State District Courts First Time Publication

The Arkansas GIS Office is pleased to announce the publication of a series of State District Court boundaries. The Arkansas judicial system began studying the creation of state district courts as a pilot project to improve the effectiveness of the judicial system by reducing the number of district and city court judges, allowing a shift […]

School Districts, School Board Zones & Education Cooperative Boundaries Updates

The Arkansas GIS Office is pleased to announce updates to School Districts, School Board Zones, and Education Cooperative Boundaries for the below areas. A special thanks to the Arkansas Department of Education, Little Rock School District, Franklin County Assessor, Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning and DataScout for your assistance in these updates. Users can download School […]

Cadastral Standard Changes & Web Maps

In the fall of 2019, the Arkansas Digital Cadastral Mapping Standard underwent revisions.  Among those were several field name changes in the attribute table schema.  If you have included the GIS Office’s parcel polygon feature service in a web map, particularly an ArcGIS Online web map, you may need to reconfigure the popup.  Due to […]

Parcel Update: Nevada County First Time Publication

The Arkansas GIS Office is pleased to announce that we have published Parcel Polygons and Parcel Centroids for Nevada County for the first time. We’d like to thank both County Judge Mark Glass and Assessor Pam Box for their leadership in bringing Nevada County’s Parcel mapping project to a reality. Additionally, we have updated both […]

Municipal Boundaries Update

The Arkansas GIS Office is pleased to announce we have updated Municipal Boundaries based on the following: Special note – Because these annexations are effective prior to January 1st, 2020, population will be counted to the city during the 2020 Decennial Census. #ARCounts #CommitToCountAR City Year Ordinance Court Order Type Briarcliff 2019 NA NA Geometry […]

Elections Precincts Update

The Arkansas GIS Office is pleased to announce that we have updated Election Precincts in the below counties. These updates represent ongoing efforts to align precincts to municipal boundaries where applicable. Counties: Arkansas, Ashley, Baxter, Benton, Bradley, Calhoun, Carroll, Conway, Craighead, Faulkner, Franklin, Hot Spring, Howard, Izard, Jefferson, Little River, Logan, Marion, Mississippi, Nevada, Poinsett, Saline, Scott, […]