2020 PL94-171 Census Block GIS Publication for Arkansas

After several months delay due in large part to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 Census Redistricting Data files (PL 94-171) were released to the public on August 12, 2021.  (More information from the U.S. Census Bureau about this release can be found HERE.)  The files were published in their legacy format which mirrored the data structure used in the 2010 Census data.  The Census Bureau will release the same data in easier-to-use formats by September 30, 2021.

Staff of the Arkansas GIS Office downloaded these data from the Census Bureau and assembled the data into a GIS format suitable for redistricting use and for publication in the gis.arkansas.gov platform.  The data assembled in this publication contains the essential elements that are needed for the redistricting processes to occur at state, city, county, and school district levels.  This dataset contains the block level population summaries, as well as demographic figures. Additionally, the GIS Office is publishing summary population numbers at the tract and block group levels.

 This data requires Geographic Information System software for viewing and analysis.

For Census’s Technical Documentation please reference https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/decennial/2020/technical-documentation/complete-tech-docs/summary-file/2020Census_PL94_171Redistricting_NationalTechDoc.pdf

For additional information regarding these datasets please see below.

Blocks – 2020 Census

Block Groups – 2020 Census

Tracts – 2020 Census

Voting Districts – 2020 Census