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Six Decades of Congressional Redistricting Change

Each news day in Arkansas for several weeks has mentioned the 88th General Assembly’s job of redistricting our state’s Congressional Districts. The Arkansas Geographic Information Office developed a short animation of the Congressional Districts for the state going back over that last six decades.  We hope this look at the past will help the public […]

Parcel Updates

Arkansas County Assessors continue to provide updates to the parcel data. Thank you- Clark, Jefferson, Pike, Pope, Saline, and White County Parcels have been updated in the GeoStor databasesLinks to data (clip): dataset: (CADAS_PARCEL_POLYGON_CAMP and CADAS_PARCEL_CENTROID_CAMP)

Publicly Funded Lidar in Arkansas

The AGIO is responding to a request from the GIS Board to coordinate lidar data development in an effort to reduce duplication of effort. Shelby Johnson provided  an update on AGIO efforts related to lidar availability within the state at the AR GIS User Forum meeting today. The AGIO has been coordinating with US Army […]

Road Centerline and Address Point Files Updated

Arkansas Road Centerline File (ACF) and Address Point File have been updated. ACF updates include: Arkansas, Clark, Hot Spring, Howard, Montgomery, Pike, Pope, and Washington counties.  Washington county has been updated and Izard county has been add to the address point file ACF by County: dataset: Filename (TRANSP_ROADS_ACF_line) Address Point File by County: […]

GeoStor Redistricting Advisory

GeoStor uses the AHTD County boundary as the clip layer for extracting all data requests clipped by county name.  That boundary has been in use on GeoStor for delivering GIS data because it is a more accurate representation of county boundaries.  Its source is from improved basemap data. Users who are downloading Census blocks for […]

City Boundary updates

Note: Schema change Pop2000 replaces Population and represents the information collected in the 2000 census. Pop2010 was added and represents the information collected in the 2010 census.The Arkansas Highway & Transportation Department has provided an update to the City Boundary file. This update includes modifications to the following city boundaries: Alexander, Alma, Antoine, Ash Flat,  Batesville, Ben Lomond, Benton, […]

Census 2010 Resources

We have found the links below useful (even for a pdf). Those digging into the 2010 Census data might want to take a look. The record layouts for each shapefile layer contained in the 2010 Census Redistricting (P.L. 94-171) TIGER/Line Shapefiles as well as relationship files.  Shapefiles are listed in alphabetical order by geographic entity type. 2010 Census […]

Minority Growth Impacts School Board Zones

Arkansas law requires any school district that has a minority population greater than 10% to have their school board members elected by zones.  Many districts are already zoned so this isn’t new to them but there may be other districts for which this will go into effect for the first time. The data represents 010 […]

AR 2010 Census Data

UPDATE: A processing error was identified in the Blocks – 2010 Census file . This error was introduced while loading into the GeoStor System. The error has been corrected in all locations (downloads & FTP). Please consider downloading the data again if you retrieved it prior to 2/15/2011 5:00pm. We are sorry for the inconvenience and […]

Census and TIGER Update Coming Soon to GeoStor

The Arkansas Geographic Information Office obtained the 2010 Census population and TIGER data. The data is being processed to be loaded on GeoStor.  Users will be notified as soon as the data is available on GeoStor.