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AGFC Data Update and New Data

Thank you to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission for updating the Wildlife Management Area boundaries as well as adding six new data layers to the Arkansas Spatial Data Infrastructure Updated Data: Wildlife Management Area Boundaries New Data: Arkansas Game and Fish Gates and Barriers Arkansas Game and Fish Buildings Fish Attractors […]

Municipal Boundaries Updated for 99 Cities

Thanks to the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department, the statewide Municipal Boundary file is updated and ready for download: This includes updates to following 99 cities: Adona Alexander Austin Barling Bauxite Bella Vista Benton Bentonville Bethel Heights Bigelow Blue Eye Brookland Bryant Cabot Calion Campbell Station Cave Springs Centerton Central City Clinton Coal Hill Corning […]

2015 Arkansas GIS Users Forum Spring Meeting

Mark your calendars for March 25 from 8:45am to 3:30pm at the UALR Reynolds Center for Business and Economic Development (2801 S. University Ave). From the GIS Users Forum announcement: Calling all GIS Professionals, the 2015 Arkansas GIS Users Forum Spring Meeting is just around the corner. Once again this year we have a superb […]

Municipal Boundary Update: New Incorporation- City of Southside

Thanks to the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department’s Mapping Section, the state municipal boundary file has been updated to include the new incorporation of the City of Southside (Independence County). For Downloads: For Services: Thanks again to the AHTD for updating and providing this data to the public.

Training Opportunity: ArcGIS 10.1 Fundamentals at UALR

There are a couple of seats left in the ArcGIS 10.1 Fundamentals class, March 16-17, 2015, and the Intermediate class, March 18-20, 2015. For course descriptions and registration forms go to .

ArcGIS Online Feature Service Note

As a result of our recent migration to our new website and database, all of our agency’s feature services, such as those used in ArcGIS Online maps/apps, will have a broken link and will not display.  Our new feature services are located at the below URL and can be used for consumption: For anyone […]

90th General Assembly Updates

In anticipation of the 90th General Assembly convening on Monday, January 12, 2015, the Arkansas GIS Office has updated the House and Senate polygon files to reflect the new member names and their legislative webpage links. Please access these GIS files via download or consume them in your GIS software via services here: House: Senate:

Happy New Year: Launch of New Arkansas GIS Office Website

On January 5, 2015, the Arkansas GIS Office launched its new website. This launch comes a bit earlier than anticipated due to the failure of old system hardware. As such, there may be a few kinks to work out. However, this launch is designed with every Arkansas GIS stakeholder in mind. This is your website; this […]

Thirty Nine (39) County Centerline File Updates in 2014

2014 was a great year for the Arkansas Centerline File. Thanks to numerous counties and addressing officials, there were thirty nine (39) updates to the ACF file in 2014. The newest load contains updates for Craighead, Ouachita and Stone Counties. Please find links to download the data or consume the web services here: Find information […]