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Faulkner County Parcel Update

New parcel polygons and points are available on GeoStor.  This load includes updates to Faulkner County. Download:[Polygons] [Centroid Points]: FTP: [CADAS_PARCEL_POLYGON_CAMP] Thanks to the Faulkner County Assessor’s Office for providing this data for public use through GeoStor!

A Benchmark in the Early Days of GeoStor

Often, I fail to take a minute and look at back at where we have been as GIS community in Arkansas. Our state’s collective GIS story is pretty fascinating. I was rummaging through a box at my desk after a recent move and ran across this photo which marks a very important benchmark in the history of […]

Faulkner County Centerline File Updated on GeoStor

Thanks to the addressing officials in Faulkner County, the Arkansas Centerline File is updated on GeoStor. To download the data: To download from FTP: Thanks to the Faulkner County OEM, Jason Lyon at Conway Planning, and all of the state’s addressing officials for providing their data for public use on GeoStor!

GIS & CAD Survey for Local 911 Blue Ribbon Committee

The Arkansas Geographic Information Office is seeking your help in filling out a survey on current 911 systems and GIS data used in statewide 911 dispatch centers.  Information collected in this survey will be summarized and reported to the Legislative Local 911 Systems Blue Ribbon Committee. The committee was created by Act 1171 of the […]

Jackson County Parcel Update on GeoStor [Points and Polygons]

New parcels are available on GeoStor.  This load includes updates to Jackson County. Download:[Polygons] [Centroid Points]: FTP: [CADAS_DBO_PARCEL_POLYGON_CAMP] Thanks to the Jackson County Assessor’s Office for providing this data for public dissemination on GeoStor!

We Are Listening: GeoStor Survey Results

On May 24th, we opened up a GeoStor survey ( to gauge your current usage and your future needs regarding GeoStor.  In the past month, we have received 57 responses — it is still open and please feel free to take the survey if you have not already done so — and we would like […]

Address Centerline File Updated on GeoStor

Thanks to efforts of addressing officials in Saline County, the Arkansas Centerline File is updated on GeoStor. To download the data: To download from FTP: To see the status of the ACF: Thanks to the efforts of the state’s county and municipal addressing officials, sixteen (16) counties have been updated on GeoStor in […]

ZIP+4® Centroids Updated on GeoStor

ZIP+4® centroid coordinates have been updated statewide.  This update includes new records assigned by the US Postal Service. For history on the publication of ZIP+4® centroid coordinates visit this article. ZIP+4® on GeoStor: ZIP+4® on Statewide FTP:  TITLE: LOCAT_ZIP_PLUS_4

Five AHTD Layers Updated on GeoStor

The Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department updated five layers on GeoStor. Highway Linear Referencing System: Arkansas Posted Highway Bridges: Arkansas Road Inventory: Points Off System 100 Feet: Points On System 100 Feet: All of this data is available on Statewide FTP: Thanks to Sharon Hawkins, Greg Cullum, and everyone […]

Updated Public School Boundary on GeoStor

Due to the recent consolidation of Stephens School District into Magnolia, Camden Fairview, and Nevada School Districts, the Arkansas Department of Education requested that the AGIO update the statewide Public School boundary file on GeoStor.  All portions of Stephens falling in Columbia County goes to Magnolia; Ouachita County to Camden Fairview, and; Nevada County to […]