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New Imagery for Greene County, Faulkner County, and the City of Paragould

The Arkansas GIS Office is pleased to announce new ortho imagery for the Greene County, Faulkner County, and the City of Paragould, thank you to the Greene County, Faulkner County, The City of Paragould and  Paragould Light and Water for providing the imagery for incorporation into the ASDI. More details can be found here: Faulkner […]

Parcel Polygon Update

The Arkansas GIS Office is pleased to announce an update to the Parcel Polygon and Parcel Point layer within the Arkansas Spatial Data Infrastructure (ASDI).  Thank you to the Pike County Assessor’s Office for providing the update. You can download the new data here: Parcel Polygons: Parcel Points:

5m DEM Now Available as Image Service

The Arkansas GIS Office is pleased to announce that the 2006 5m DEM is now available as an image service.  This greatly enhances the accessibility of this data and allows users to directly clip subsets of the DEM to expedite additional processing.  The REST endpoint for this data can be found here: /5M_DEM_STATEWIDE_2006/ImageServer Or you can […]

2015 Saline County Imagery Now Available

Thanks to the hard work and effort from our colleagues at the Saline County Assessor’s office, and other organizations within Saline County, 2015 high resolution orthoimagery is now available for Saline County.  The dataset consists of 1 foot resolution imagery and can be downloaded from the following URL: This data has also been added to […]

2015 Pulaski County Imagery Now Available

Thanks to the hard work and efforts from our colleagues at PAgis, the Pulaski County Assessor’s Office, and other organizations within Pulaski County, 2015 high resolution orthoimagery is now available for Pulaski County.  This dataset consist of 3 and 6 inch resolution imagery and can be downloaded through the GIS Office’s FTP site at the […]

Arkansas Hosts Mid-America GIS Consortium

Arkansas was the host State for the Mid-America GIS Consortium 2016 Symposium planning retreat.  We hosted our friends and neighbors from the surrounding states at Queen Wilhelmena State Park.

ASDI framework now has FTP access

The Arkansas GIS Office is pleased to announce FTP access to the Repository data.  Using FTP transfer software such as FileZilla or SmartFTP,  you can connect directly to the public repository using as the host server. You can also view and download data through a browser at

The Arkansas GIS Platform

Staff at the Arkansas GIS office recently presented a lecture on new products capabilities and services through the platform formally known as GeoStor. The lecture was provided as A part of the 2015 Arkansas GIS Users Forum symposium in Little Rock Arkansas.

MAGIC Clearinghouse Summit

The Arkansas GIS Office was involved in hosting the Mid-America GIS Consortium MAGIC Clearinghouse Summit. State representatives from the region gathered in northwest Arkansas August 16th and 17th to learn about issues, challenges and the success stories of operating statewide GIS data clearinghouses.