ArcGIS Server software update

The Arkansas GIS Office will push put out a minor release update to the ArcGIS Server technology hosted at this evening between 7 and 8 o’clock 28 May 2024. We are upgrading from ArcGIS Server 10.6 to 10.6.1 in order to leverage the newest locator style sheet offered by our GIS Server vendor Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI). This new locator style sheet will be deployed in a geocoding service used by our partners at ARDATA as a part of the CiviForm solution that is being rolled out across Arkansas State government. To read more about this exciting venture please visit:   The ArcGIS Server update has been tested and validated to ensure all services are functioning correctly, and we anticipate no service interruptions during or following this update. However, with that said if anyone notices any issues please let us know at as soon as possible.