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Municipal Boundaries & Wards Update

The Arkansas GIS Office is pleased to announce that we have updated Municipal Boundaries and Municipal Wards based on the below. City Year Ordinance Court Order Type Ward Update Benton 2023 18 CC2023-1 100% Yes Elkins 2023 NA NA Geometry correction Yes Farmington 2023 NA NA Geometry correction Yes Fayetteville 2008 5089 UNK 14-40-204 (park […]

Fire Districts UALR Data Update

For many years the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Lab at the University of Arkansas, Little Rock, maintained maps of the fire districts in the state.  These were maintained for the Local Police & Fire Retirement System (LOPFI) and used to estimate population within fire districts that participated in that retirement system.  The LOPFI system no […]

Searcy County Parcel Polygons and Centroids First Time Publication

The Arkansas GIS Office is pleased to announce that we have published Parcel Polygons and Centroids for Searcy County, Arkansas to the Arkansas Spatial Data Infrastructure. We’d like to offer a special thank you to former Searcy County Judge Jim Harness, the Quorum Court and Searcy County Assessor Randy Crumley whose support was instrumental in the […]

Address Points Update – Independence and Conway County First Time Publication

In 2008, a handful of counties had developed situs address points, and more were exploring the idea of positioning coordinates at physical addresses. The primary driver for this data was the need to efficiently locate and direct 9-1-1 emergency service response. A coordinate positioned at an address was far superior to a road centerline range […]

Address Points & Address Locator Updates

The Arkansas GIS Office is pleased to announce that we have updated the SITUS Address Point File (APF) for the following Counties: Crawford, Cross, Dallas, Desha, Drew, Franklin, Grant, Greene, Hempstead, and Hot Spring.  As always we’d like to thank all those involved in the critical maintenance of these datasets. The APF data can be accessed via download […]

Pope County Townships (Political) Updates

We have updated the Constable/Township districts in Pope County based on County Order 2023-51. Users can download Townships here and view them on our web map here.

Municipal Boundaries, Changes, Wards & Election Precinct Updates

The Arkansas GIS Office is pleased to announce that we have updated Municipal Boundaries and Municipal Wards based on the below. We have also updated Election Precincts for Chicot County. City Year Ordinance Court Order Type Ward Update Highfill 2022 23-B-2022 CC 2022-10 100% Yes Highfill 2023 03-2023 CC 2022-42 100% Yes Lake Village 2011 […]

Election Precincts Update – Sebastian County

We have updated Election Precincts in Sebastian County. Thank you to the Sebastian County Clerk’s Office and Western Arkansas Planning & Development District (WAPDD) for working with us to ensure these updates are made to the statewide map! Users can download the dataset here and view online here.

Data Update: Parcel Polygons and Centroids

The Arkansas GIS Office is pleased to announce that we have published updated Parcel Polygons and Centroids for seventy-three (73) counties: Arkansas, Ashley, Baxter, Benton, Boone, Bradley, Calhoun, Carroll, Chicot, Clark, Clay, Cleburne, Cleveland, Columbia, Conway, Craighead, Crawford, Crittenden, Cross, Dallas, Desha, Drew, Faulkner, Franklin, Garland, Grant, Greene, Hempstead, Hot Spring, Howard, Independence, Izard, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Lafayette, Lawrence, Lee, […]

Address Points, Road Centerlines & Address Locator Updates

The Arkansas GIS Office is pleased to announce that we have updated the SITUS Address Point File (APF) for the following Counties: Baxter, Bradley, Carroll, Clark, Cleburne, Columbia, Craighead, Garland, Jefferson, Johnson, and Pulaski.  We updated the Arkansas Centerline File (ACF) for the following Counties: Jefferson, Garland, Johnson, and Pulaski.  As always we’d like to […]