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Address Point Update – St. Francis County

The Address Point File (APF) is updated on the ASDI Clearinghouse.  This update includes for the first time Address Points for St. Francis County. The Arkansas GIS Office would like to thank St. Francis County Officials for providing this data set for inclusion into the Statewide APF. This brings the total record of Address Points to […]

Election Precincts Update

The Arkansas GIS Office is pleased to announce that Election Precincts have been updated for Pulaski and Faulkner Counties. Thanks to both Counties for their assistance in updating this dataset. Data can be downloaded here: Access is provided through web and feature service here:

AGFC Data Update

Thank you to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission for data updates to the Arkansas Spatial Data Infrastructure (ASDI) Updated Data: Wildlife Management Area Boundaries Arkansas Game and Fish Gates and Barriers Arkansas Game and Fish Buildings Fish Attractors Outdoor Recreational Access Outdoor Recreational Facilities WMA Management Features

Address Point Update

The Arkansas GIS Office is pleased to announce an update to the Address Point data.  Thank you to Montgomery County for providing the updated data for incorporation into the ASDI. More into can be found here:

City Limits Update

The Arkansas GIS Office is pleased to announce an update to the City Limits data.  Thank you to the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Office for providing the update. Data can be downloaded here: Access is provided through web and feature service here:  

Public Water System Update

The Arkansas GIS Office is pleased to announce an update to the Public Water System data within the Arkansas Spatial Data Infrastructure.  A special thanks to the Arkansas Department Of Health for providing an updated dataset for incorporation. More information can be found here:

Address Point Guidance for Public Safety

The Arkansas GIS Office is pleased to share new guidance on the Arkansas Master Address Point database file structure.  The guidance provides suggestion for adding two more attributes for local addressing authorities.  These additional columns of information are specifically geared to lay the foundation for the address point data to serve public safety needs.  Future […]

City Limits Update

The Arkansas GIS Office would like to thank the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department for providing an update to the City Limits within the Arkansas Spatial Data Infrastructure (ASDI). More information can be found here:  

Pulaski County Contours: 2 Foot 2010-2011

The Arkansas GIS Office would like to thank Pulaski Area GIS (PAgis) and Pulaski County for providing 2 foot contours for incorporation into the Arkansas Spatial Data Infrastructure (ASDI).  More information can be found on the product page: You can also access the data through the Elevation Feature Service

Address Point Update: Pulaski County

The Arkansas GIS Office is pleased to announce an update to the SITUS Address Point data within the ASDI.  Special thanks to Pulaski Area GIS (PAgis) for providing the update for incorporation into the statewide system. Download available here: The data is also available within the ASDI feature services: