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Address Point File Update

The Arkansas GIS Office has processed and published an update to the Address Point File hosted in the Arkansas Spatial Data Infrastructure (ASDI) for Monroe and Randolph Counties. This update brings the State’s total Address Point File to 1,495,079 total addresses. As always we’d like to take this opportunity to thank both Counties for providing their address point […]

GIS Office Image Service Changes

As the Arkansas GIS Office prepares for the announcement of the successful completed delivery of the new 30 cm and 15cm imagery collected by Sanborn this winter, we have identified a number of changes that will be implemented to ensure that only the most current imagery is used in the agency’s image service offerings. First, […]

Public School District Boundary Update

The Arkansas GIS Office has published an update to the Public School District Boundary data set on the Arkansas Spatial Data Infrastructure (ASDI). These edits are a result of coordination between the Arkansas GIS Office and County personnel utilizing legal descriptions that clarify and improve the spatial accuracy of boundary data. Data can be downloaded […]

NHD/WBD Update

The Arkansas GIS Office has updated both National Hydrography Dataset and Watershed Boundary Dataset on behalf of the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality. Both data sets can be viewed and downloaded by searching for NHD or WBD respectively or can be accessed via feature services at The National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) is a feature-based database […]

Address Point File Updated – Multiple Counties

The Arkansas GIS Office is pleased to announce that we have published Fulton County’s Address Points for the first time into  the Arkansas Spatial Data Infrastructure (ASDI). The addition of Fulton County brings the State’s total Address Point File to 1,494,549 total addresses, and we’d like to take this opportunity to thank Fulton County Judge Darrell Zimmer […]

ADEQ Facilities and Permit Sites Updated

On behalf of the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ), the Arkansas GIS Office has updated ADEQ’s Environmental Facilities and Environmental Permit Site Datasets. The purpose of these datasets is to provide a cartographic representation of the facility and permit locations stored in the ADEQ Facility and Permit Summary Permit Data System (PDS). Permits ensure […]

Clean Water Act Section 303(d) Impaired Waters Data Update

On behalf of the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) the Arkansas GIS Office has updated the Clean Waters Act Section 303(d) Impaired Waters and Total Maximum Daily Load Limit data for the year 2016. The EPA’s 303(d) Program assists states, territories and authorized tribes in submitting lists of impaired waters and developing TMDLs. A TMDL […]

Address Point File Updated – Multiple Counties

The Arkansas GIS Office is pleased to announce that for the first time the Clay County Address Points have been published and are available for download from the Arkansas Spatial Data Infrastructure (ASDI). The addition of Clay County brings the State’s total Address Point File to 1,485,539 total addresses, and could not have been accomplished […]

NHD/WBD Update

The Arkansas GIS Office is pleased to announce an update to the  National Hydrography Dataset and Watershed Boundary Dataset.  Also an additional housekeeping item is the renaming the Watershed Boundary products from Basins HUC # to WBD HU # which will hopefully make finding them a little easier. Please note that for the time being we […]

Arkansas Spatial Data Infrastructure (ASDI) Upgrade

We just completed a major upgrade to the GIS platform at Most of this upgrade was designed to improve system performance and reduce operating cost. We made the mistake of not providing advanced notice of this planned upgrade. If you haven’t noticed any issues then we did it correctly. If you did encounter problems […]