Carroll and Greene County Address Points

Updated County Address Points are now available available on GeoStor for Carroll and Greene Counties.  The Carroll County file is an update and the Greene County file is a new publication.

Address Point File by County:

We always thank the participating counties for sharing this important GIS resource and these past few days we have an urgent reminder of why we do this. 

Over the past eleven days the road centerline and address point file have been put to hard use by a crew of GIS Analysts who are supporting the Search and Rescue operations in Polk, Scott, and Montgomery counties for Arkansas Forestry Commission Pilot, Jake Harrell who failed to check in on January 31st.  The road centerlines and address points have played an important role in the decision making process.  Imagine how more difficult the operation would be if local GIS data was not available.

We are thankful our State has a deep history of creating data once and sharing it a bunch. So thank you Carroll and Greene County.  We always hope the data is not needed for this reason, but if that time comes, the data is accessible and ready.