Arkansas Centerline File Update: November 2009
November 12, 2009
Little Rock, Ark.
The Arkansas Geographic Information Office (AGIO) is pleased to announce a major publication update of the Arkansas Road Centerline File (ACF) data that includes Calhoun and Izard counties. The Centerline File is a GIS data set which contains road names and networks, address range information, and various other components that enable address matching and geocoding. The AGIO has integrated the data from the counties and published it on GeoStor, the state’s GIS clearinghouse. This update is the result of a lot of hard work by the two counties. Both counties had to undertake the conversion from old route and box style addressing to physical addressing, and at the same time create new road centerline data with the new address ranges.
We hope all the users are as proud as we are to see this data published. We would like to personally thank Judge Floyd Nutt, Tony Rinehart and Donna Gates in Calhoun County, and Judge Rayburn Finley, Assessor Tammy Sanders, Tiffany Felton and Doyle Cross in Izard County for their hard work. It took a lot of patience and perseverance to produce this data.
Both county ACF projects were funded by the AGIO under the direction of the State GIS Board. The physical addressing conversion process is being finalized now through the US Postal Service Address Management System Office in Little Rock. Residents in both counties will begin using their new addresses in the coming months, and the centerline files will be ready in advance. The data will be distributed as widely as possible so the new addresses will correspond with the new road names in the centerline files for those counties.