Beth Rush is the Assessor for Ashley County, Arkansas where her principal duties are to discover, list and value all property, real and personal in the county using specialized computer software systems (CAMA & GIS). She is in her fourth term as Assessor and twelfth year in Ashley County government. Before being elected Assessor, she was the County Election Coordinator and Deputy Registrar for the Ashley County Clerk. Prior to working in county government, she was the Manager/CFO of a local warehouse for ten years.
In addition to her Assessor duties, Rush is a Certified Senior Appraiser and Senior Administrator of the State of Arkansas administered under the direction of IAAO (International Association of Assessing Officers). In 2019 she was appointed by Governor Asa Hutchison to serve a second term on the Arkansas GIS Board for a four-year term representing the Arkansas Assessors. Rush was recently sworn-in as Vice President of the Arkansas Assessor’s Association. She is the former Board Secretary (2019-2020) and two term District 4 Representative (2015-2019). She is also a member of the Arkansas Association of Counties, IAAO, IAAO-Arkansas Chapter, and Southeast Arkansas GIS (SEAGIS).
Beth and her husband Reuben are lifelong Ashley County residents, members of North Crossett First Baptist Church with five children and two granddaughters. In her free time, she likes to read, listen to music and travel.
Appointed 11/12/2015
Expired on 8/1/2019 – Full Term Reappointed 10/30/2019 Expires on 8/1/2023 |