GIS Office Image Service Changes

As the Arkansas GIS Office prepares for the announcement of the successful completed delivery of the new 30 cm and 15cm imagery collected by Sanborn this winter, we have identified a number of changes that will be implemented to ensure that only the most current imagery is used in the agency’s image service offerings.

First, the image service known as High Resolution Best Available will be renamed to High Resolution Composite. Historically, this service contained numerous rasters at a minimum of 1 foot resolution that were locally procured and provided to the GIS Office for inclusion into the High Resolution Imagery service. This is primarily because the highest resolution leaf off imagery product collected by the state was 1 meter imagery collected in 2006, so that collection was supplemented by those jurisdictions that acquired their own imagery product that were able to share with the rest of the state.

Now that the entire state is covered by 1 foot resolution that was collected in early 2017, the agency will be removing and archiving any rasters that do not exceed 1 foot resolution. Any users that use the High Resolution Best Available Image service for the 1 foot product will need to transition to the service currently titled Statewide ADOP 2017, and soon to be titled as IMAGERY 1FT 2017.

Additionally, the services titled Statewide ADOP 2017 and Statewide ADOP 2006 will be renamed to indicate the image product resolution and date respectively. Statewide ADOP 2017 will be renamed to IMAGERY 1FT 2017 as previously indicated and the 2006 service will be renamed to IMAGERY 1M 2006 to more accurately reflect the nature of the product and when it was collected.
By January 15th, 2018, the GIS Office will have image services that reflect the aforementioned changes. The depreciation date for the services containing data to be archived and legacy naming conventions will be effective as of 1 February, 2018. This should give anyone affected time to update and all applications dependent upon these services.

Any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact us at