Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Arkansas National Guard Armory locations are used throughout the state as a facility for National Guard Operations. The data portrayed here includes the location, facility name, </SPAN><SPAN STYLE="font-size:12pt">acquisition </SPAN><SPAN>date for facility its operational state and other basic information collected and maintained by the Arkansas National Guard Facilities Maintenance Office. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
Copyright Text: Department of Defense, National Guard Bureau, Arkansas National Guard
Description: Jails and Prisons (Correctional Institutions) in Arkansas The Jails and Prisons sub-layer is part of the Emergency Law Enforcement Sector and the Critical Infrastructure Category. A Jail or Prison consists of any facility or location where individuals are regularly and lawfully detained against their will. This includes Federal and State prisons, local jails, and juvenile detention facilities, as well as law enforcement temporary holding facilities. Work camps, including camps operated seasonally, are included if they otherwise meet the definition. A Federal Prison is a facility operated by the Federal Bureau of Prisons for the incarceration of individuals. A State Prison is a facility operated by a state, commonwealth, or territory of the US for the incarceration of individuals for a term usually longer than 1 year. A Juvenile Detention Facility is a facility for the incarceration of those who have not yet reached the age of majority (usually 18 years). A Local Jail is a locally administered facility that holds inmates beyond arraignment (usually 72 hours) and is staffed by municipal or county employees. A temporary holding facility, sometimes referred to as a "police lock up" or "drunk tank", is a facility used to detain people prior to arraignment. Locations that are administrative offices only are excluded from the dataset. This definition of Jails is consistent with that used by the Department of Justice (DOJ) in their "National Jail Census", with the exception of "temporary holding facilities", which the DOJ excludes. If the facility is enclosed with a fence, wall, or structure with a gate around the buildings only, the locations were depicted as ONENTITY at the entrance. If the facility's buildings are not enclosed, the locations were depicted as ONENTITY on the building or BLOCKFACE on the correct street segment. Personal homes, administrative offices and temporary locations are intended to be excluded from this dataset, but a few may be included. Personal homes of constables may exist due to the fact that many constables work out of their home. With the merge of the Law Enforcement and the Correctional Institutions datasets, the NAICS Descriptions were assigned based on the facility's main function, which were determined by the entity's name, facility type, web research and state supplied data. For records where the entity's name represents both datasets, the NAICS Description was assigned based on the specifications of the dataset the record is assigned to. Text fields in this dataset have been set to all upper case to facilitate consistent database engine search results. All diacritics (e.g., the German umlaut or the Spanish tilde) have been replaced with their closest equivalent English character to facilitate use with database systems that may not support diacritics. The currentness of this dataset is indicated by the [CONTDATE] attribute. Based upon this attribute, the oldest record dates from 2006/06/28 and the newest record dates from 2008/02/19
Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Correctional facilities in the State of Arkansas are administered by federal, state, and local authorities. This dataset was created based on input and documentation from the respective authoritative agencies. Each location was verified via aerial photography to the best of the GIS Office's ability.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
Copyright Text: Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC), Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP), Arkansas GIS Office
Description: Fire Stations in Arkansas Any location where fire fighters are stationed or based out of, or where equipment that such personnel use in carrying out their jobs is stored for ready use. Fire Departments not having a permanent location are included, in which case their location has been depicted at the city/town hall or at the center of their service area if a city/town hall does not exist. This dataset includes those locations primarily engaged in forest or grasslands fire fighting, including fire lookout towers if the towers are in current use for fire protection purposes. This dataset includes both private and governmental entities. Fire fighting training academies are also included. This dataset is comprised completely of license free data. The Fire Station dataset and the EMS dataset were merged into one working file. TGS processed as one file and then separated for delivery purposes. Records with "-DOD" appended to the end of the [NAME] value are located on a military base, as defined by the Defense Installation Spatial Data Infrastructure (DISDI) military installations and military range boundaries. Text fields in this dataset have been set to all upper case to facilitate consistent database engine search results. All diacritics (e.g., the German umlaut or the Spanish tilde) have been replaced with their closest equivalent English character to facilitate use with database systems that may not support diacritics. The currentness of this dataset is indicated by the [CONTDATE] field. Based upon this field, the oldest record dates from 09/06/2005 and the newest record dates from 08/27/2008.
Description: Jewish Synagogues in Arkansas The Jewish Synagogues dataset is composed of Jewish places of worship and other Jewish religious institutions such as Jewish Community Centers. Some Jewish Synagogues were processed using information found through internet research and locations were determined based upon available sources of ortho imagery (USGS DOQQ's, NAIP, and state and local imagery). These records are indicated by a [CONTHOW] of "ALT REF". All data is non license restricted data. The text fields in this dataset have been set to all upper case to facilitate consistent database engine search results. All diacritics (e.g. the German umlaut or the Spanish tilde) have been replaced with their closest equivalent English character to facilitate use with database systems that may not support diacritics. The currentness of this dataset is indicated by the [CONTDATE] attribute. Based upon this attribute, the oldest record dates from 2007/07/20 and the newest record dates from 2007/07/31
Description: Law Enforcement Locations Any location where sworn officers of a law enforcement agency are regularly based or stationed. Law Enforcement agencies "are publicly funded and employ at least one full-time or part-time sworn officer with general arrest powers". This is the definition used by the US Department of Justice - Bureau of Justice Statistics (DOJ-BJS) for their Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics (LEMAS) survey. Although LEMAS only includes non Federal Agencies, this dataset includes locations for federal, state, local, and special jurisdiction law enforcement agencies. Law enforcement agencies include, but are not limited to, municipal police, county sheriffs, state police, school police, park police, railroad police, federal law enforcement agencies, departments within non law enforcement federal agencies charged with law enforcement (e.g., US Postal Inspectors), and cross jurisdictional authorities (e.g., Port Authority Police). In general, the requirements and training for becoming a sworn law enforcement officer are set by each state. Law Enforcement agencies themselves are not chartered or licensed by their state. County, city, and other government authorities within each state are usually empowered by their state law to setup or disband Law Enforcement agencies. Generally, sworn Law Enforcement officers must report which agency they are employed by to the state. Although TGS's intention is to only include locations associated with agencies that meet the above definition, TGS has discovered a few locations that are associated with agencies that are not publicly funded. TGS deleted these locations as we became aware of them, but some may still exist in this dataset. Personal homes, administrative offices, and temporary locations are intended to be excluded from this dataset; however, some personal homes of constables are included due to the fact that many constables work out of their homes. TGS has made a concerted effort to include all local police; county sheriffs; state police and/or highway patrol; Bureau of Indian Affairs; Bureau of Land Management; Bureau of Reclamation; U.S. Park Police; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives; U.S. Marshals Service; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; National Park Service; U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement; and U.S. Customs and Border Protection. This dataset is comprised completely of license free data. FBI entities are intended to be excluded from this dataset, but a few may be included. The Law Enforcement dataset and the Correctional Institutions dataset were merged into one working file. TGS processed as one file and then separated for delivery purposes. With the merge of the Law Enforcement and the Correctional Institutions datasets, the NAICS Codes & Descriptions were assigned based on the facility's main function which was determined by the entity's name, facility type, web research, and state supplied data. In instances where the entity's primary function is both law enforcement and corrections, the NAICS Codes and Descriptions are assigned based on the dataset in which the record is located (i.e., a facility that serves as both a Sheriff's Office and as a jail is designated as [NAICSDESCR]="SHERIFFS' OFFICES (EXCEPT COURT FUNCTIONS ONLY)" in the Law Enforcement layer and as [NAICSDESCR]="JAILS (EXCEPT PRIVATE OPERATION OF)" in the Correctional Institutions layer). Records with "-DOD" appended to the end of the [NAME] value are located on a military base, as defined by the Defense Installation Spatial Data Infrastructure (DISDI) military installations and military range boundaries. "#" and "*" characters were automatically removed from standard fields that TGS populated. Double spaces were replaced by single spaces in these same fields. Text fields in this dataset have been set to all upper case to facilitate consistent database engine search results. All diacritics (e.g., the German umlaut or the Spanish tilde) have been replaced with their closest equivalent English character to facilitate use with database systems that may not support diacritics. The currentness of this dataset is indicated by the [CONTDATE] field. Based on the values in this field, the oldest record dates from 06/29/2006 and the newest record dates from 10/27/2009
Description: Data available online through GeoStor at This file contains location information for State owned and leased facilities in the State of Arkansas.
Copyright Text: Arkansas Department of Emergency Management
Description: The Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) is the Federal standard for geographic nomenclature in support of the U.S. Board on Geographic Names. The Structures layer (STRUCTURE) in the GNIS Web Map Service contains all features in the database with Feature Class of Airport, Building, Church, Hospital, School, Post Office. See for feature class values and definitions. The STRUCTURE_FEATURE250 layer contains large features designated by the Geographic Names Office as ones that should be labeled on maps or displays with a scale of 1:250,000. See for additional information.
Copyright Text: The Geographic Names Information System was developed by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the U.S. Board on Geographic Names.
Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Point locations of buildings associated with the Agency either geographically or operationally. Digitized from Aerial photographs from various years.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Building Footprints from both datasets were clipped out for the Arkansas, Then each building footprint polygon was converted into a centroid. After which a buffer analysis was conducted to identify Building Footprints represented in the FEMA dataset that were not in the Microsoft dataset. This identified nearly 300,000 more building footprints in the FEMA dataset that were appended to the Microsoft Building footprint dataset. The Microsoft dataset schema was modified to include a field that represents the source of the Footprint . Additionally the data was projected to the NAD 83 UTM Zone 15N prior to publication. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
Copyright Text: Microsoft, DHS, FIMA, FEMA’s Response Geospatial Office, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and the U.S. Geological Survey, Arkansas GIS Office