December 5, 2007 DRAFT

ASLIB Minutes December 5, 2007

Arkansas State Land Information Board
Minutes December 5, 2007
Held at the UALR GIS Application Lab.
2801 S. University Ave.
Little Rock, AR
9am - 12pm


Board Members Attending
Ms. Phyllis Poché - Chair
Ms. Tracy Moy – Vice Chair
Ms. Bekki White
Mr. Earl Smith
Mr. Randy Everett
Robert Newell
Kasey Summerville
Judge Clayton Castleman
Judge Jerry Hunton
Dr. Rob Kissell
Brian Culpepper Proxy for Mr. Fred Limp

Board Members Absent
Yancey Reynolds

Arkansas Geographic Information Office (AGIO) Staff
Mr. Shelby Johnson
Mr. Adrian “Butch” Clark
Ms. Maria Baker

Mr. Bill Sneed
Ms. Hannah Ford
Karen Bassett
Allen Price
Bryan Stewart
Dorothey Rhodes
Ron Herrod

Meeting called to order by Chair Poché at 9:30am.

Board members and Advisory Panel Members welcomed to meeting by Chair.
The minutes of the September 19th, 2007 meetings were approved, pending grammatical changes per Dr Rob Kissell.
Motion: Randy Everett motioned approval of the minutes, as revised dated September 19th, 2007.
Second: Rob Kissell seconded the motion.  No discussion, the motion passed unanimously.

Welcome and Introductions

Travel Reimbursements
Use AGIO Travel Form: Contact Shelby Johnson

Introduction of new members:
Kasey Summerville, Judge Clayton Castleman and Judge Jerry Hunton each provided and overview of their background, careers, their current duties and responsibilities and goals for serving on the Board.  Each commented on their honor to serve with the other Board members and pledged their support for the objectives of the Board.

Board History:
Shelby Johnson and Phyllis Poche provided the new Board members with an overview of the history of the Board, its origination, projects, accomplishments and current objectives.

AGIO Report
GIS Clearing house, showed growth and usage:2 new applications
          State Land Surveyor Application is online.
          ADEQ is working on one to show permit data.

Arkansas Centerline File Program:
Published quite a few new counties to GeoStor.
Update Cycle being discussed in house. In regards to maintenance and cycling. Yearly for those counties with slow growth, more frequently for those with high growth.
Phyllis had a question regarding responsibility for the files.
Shelby: Unless the county is part of the grant program, the AGIO has no control over the schema of the data. The counties create the file for 911 dispatch purposes therefore whatever data the AGIO receives must be worked on in house to match the State Centerline Standard.
Randy had a question regarding inconsistency in naming conventions.
Shelby: No leverage on how we receive that data.

County Assessor Mapping Program:
Shelby gave a basic background on the programs. Map showing a grading system developed from Adrian’s phone survey of each county shows many counties are in the fair and poor category.

National Hydrographic Dataset:
State stakeholders adopting one dataset for all surface water.
Tasked the AGIO to take part in assisting agencies and migration of data. 
There is a planned meeting for Jan 24th 2008, for another meeting with the technical personnel of the state agencies for further discussion.

Motion: Bekki White motioned that the ASLIB endorse ADEQ as the steward of the NHD dataset and Tasked AGIO to assist in coordination.
Second: Tracy Moy seconded the motion with the amended change from the term recognize to endorse.

New Business

Arkansas Centerline File Program:
Cleveland and Desha Counties have named roads and addresses, only need to add the actual geometry. Izard, Newton and Calhoun Counties have R/R, Box and Post Office addresses, need a full address change and geometry. Newton is working presently on naming existing roads.

Motion: Tracy Moy made a motion to task the AGIO to move forward to developing specifications to get the remaining counties completed. Bekki White Seconded the motion. There being no discussion the motion passed unanimously.

2008 Meetings
March 5th, 10:30am
June 4th, 10:30am
September 3rd, 10:30am
December 3rd, 10:30am

Motion: Judge Hunton made motion to change to a later start time for meetings to make it more convenient for members driving greater distances, Judge Castleman seconded motion. There being no discussion the motion passed unanimously.

Minutes prepared by Maria Baker and Shelby Johnson, AGIO