May 19, 2004

Arkansas State Land Information Board –
May 19, 2004
Don Reynolds Center for Business and Economic Development
Room 460
Little Rock, AR
9:15 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.

Board Members Attending
Ms. Phyllis Smith, U of A at Little Rock
Mr. David Hudson, Sebastian County Judge
Ms. Mary Kay Sullivan, Benton County 911
Mr. Bill Bush, State Agencies
Mr. Yancey Reynolds
Dr. Fred Limp, Director, CAST (Proxy by Brian Culpepper)
Ms. Suzanne Wiley, Higher Education
Mr. Earl Smith, Ark Soil & Water Conservation Commission
Mr. Russell Gibson, City of Fort Smith

Board Members Not Present
Mr. Randy Jones, First Electric Cooperative Corporation
Mr. Mike McGibbony, Deputy Director of DIS
Mr. Jubal Smith, Entergy Corp

Arkansas Geographic Information Office (AGIO)
Mr. Shelby Johnson, State Geographic Information Coordinator
Mr. Learon Dalby, GIS Program Manager
Mr. Vince Guillet, GIS Specialist
Mr. Richie Pierce, GIS Specialist
MR. Joakim Jörwall, GIS Systems Analyst

Mr. John Gibson, Chair of CMRS Board

1. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
The meeting was called to order by Board Chair, Phyllis Smith at 9:15 am. Bill Bush motioned to approve the minutes as stated. Earl Smith seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as stated.

2. Resolution for Mike McGibbony

No formal letter of resignation has been received by the Board. The resolution was postponed.

3. Report from State Geographic Information Coordinator

Recent applications of GIS within the state

Shelby spoke about the use of GIS in the recent State Police manhunt. Also, he mentioned the use of satellite imagery to assist in flood damage assessment. Further, geographic school consolidation data has been provided to the State legislature, and has proven an important component in this work. The AGIO has recently received many active contacts from local level officials, a new and welcome trend, with regard to Federal, State and Local level coordination work.


The Arkansas Centerline File (ACF) Program is progressing smoothly (see separate report for details). The progress of the ACF Program is as follows:
• New data layers loaded into GeoStor
• Updates of local data in GeoStor performed for the first time
• Accuracy assessment testing is continuing


The progress of the County Assessor Mapping Program (CAMP) is as follows (see separate report for details):
• Additional, hidden revenue has been found in counties, thanks to CAMP.
• Cadastral standards promulgation is under way. Public hearing will take place in May, with completion expected on July 2nd.
• Following the recent elections, new assessors will replace existing ones. No difficulties are foreseen, as the momentum is deemed too great for counties to withdraw from the CAMP program at this point.

A general discussion followed on whether the standards will become legally binding. The consensus is that they are intended more as guidelines. Further, Arkansas is the 2nd state in the Union to adopt the Federal cadastral standards.


Shelby spoke of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) GIS Pilot in Madison and Monroe Counties. The purpose of this project is to create a centralized state-wide voter registration database. A presentation will be made by the AGIO at the upcoming clerk’s conference. Possibly a joint NACO/ESRI grant will be available to help the counties with HAVA. Shelby mentioned that AGIO may be asked to assist in the redistricting work.

A general discussion followed on districts and school boards. Brian asked if CAST can assist with data preparation, as TIGER is the only available statewide data set.

New brochures

Shelby passed out new AGIO brochures. General discussion on updating the ASLIB brochure as well. Suzanne, Bill and Phyllis will lead on this development.
Shelby spoke of an upcoming AGIO booklet for larger distribution to legislators, etc.

AHTD data

Shelby reported that new GeoStor usage analysis, and ROI analysis, show real AHTD savings thanks to GeoStor. A general discussion ensued as to how further contacts should be made with AHTD. Phyllis meant that perhaps AHTD might be invited to ASLIB board meeting. Shelby spoke of AHTD involvement in ADOP II project. He meant that possible switch to streamlined taxation model would make ADOP II imperative on a local level. Learon asked the Board if the AGIO should study the issue and come with suggestion. The Board agreed.

4. Report on GeoStor and related projects

Status of GeoStor development and usage presented by Brian Culpepper and Learon Dalby. Usage reported similar to last report, with an average of 2500 downloads. See separate report for details.

A general discussion ensued on soils data.

Learon reported on AHTD imagery acquisition in NW Arkansas. CAST loading estimate for GeoStor is in development.

A general discussion ensued on AHTD imagery and processing. Consensus was to regard this work as pilot/research project for ADOP II.


Suzanne remarked that Senator Gullet no longer is in office, and that the CIO Council has been revived, with almost all new members.

5. Old Business

Interim Study Committee—Critical framework survey results
Board top three priorities have been identified as: Base layer, ACF CAMP.

State GIS position description development—Bill
Shelby stated the OPM is in the process of auditing job descriptions and they will likely use the AGIO job descriptions as templates. A general discussion ensued on audits/reclassifications for other agencies, and how this may take place.

ADOP II progress—Learon
ADOP II is still in research mode. A general discussion took place on various technical issues.

Advisory Council Members
A general discussion took place on possible candidates to fill the positions. For political action leader, Senator Gullet was proposed. For Industry, possibly Caroline Walton.

A general discussion took place on time limits for members. Earl Smith motioned for a two year limit and to send out letters to the existing members. Judge Hudson seconded the motion.

Pulaski County Assessor’s RFP

No update.

6. New Business

Replacement for Mike McGibbony - Phyllis

No replacement decided at this time.

Phase II Wireless in AR - Mary Kay and John Gibson, Chair of Commercial
Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) Board
Shelby gave general background on revenue structure.
John Gibson spoke of CMRS revenue sources and structure. CMRS is introducing bills for rate increases and to change rate structure. He mentioned that the revenue stream is shifting from landbased to cellular telephony.

Mary Kay spoke of centerline use in PSAP. General discussion followed.

Vince discussed trends in the market and cost estimates for 911 centerline development. General discussion followed on this. General discussion ensued on AGIO/ASLIB steps to help CMRS Board, to bring proposals to CMRS Board.

Suzanne Wiley motioned that AGIO draft a proposal to the CMRS Board to support all counties. Mary Kay Sullivan seconded the motion. Bill Bush opposed the motion. The motion was carried.

AmericaView Memorandum of Understanding – Past & Future Activities – Shelby

The Board decided to defer this discussion to the next meeting.

Rand Study and FGDC Data Access Guidelines - Shelby

Shelby briefly reported that no security impact had been found from GeoStor layers. See emailed link for FGDC.
A general discussion ensued.

7. Comments from guests

John Gibson thanked the Board for the invitation.

8. Future meeting dates

The next board meeting is set for July 21, 2004.

9. Adjournment

Following the conclusion of business, a motion to adjourn was made by Russell Gibson and seconded by Suzanne Wiley. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 12:45 p.m.

Strategic Planning – Fred, Bill, Suzanne
Communication/Public Relations – Jubal, Phyllis, Mary Kay
Task Force for Legislative Action – David, Russell, Bill, Randy, Suzanne, Phyllis
State Agency GIS Position Descriptions – Bill, Earl