July 19, 2000


Mr. Bill Bush, Arkansas Geological Commission
Ms. Susan Cromwell, Department of Information Systems
Mr. Cecil Davis, Department of Arkansas Heritage
Mr. Randy Jones, First Electric Cooperative Corporation
Ms. Shirley Sandlin, Benton County Assessor
Ms. Phyllis Smith, UALR
Mr. Jim Wells, Wellsco Graphics Solutions
Ms. Suzanne Wiley, UAM

Not Attending

Mr. Fred Limp, CAST
Mr. Duane Reel, City of Jacksonville
Mr. Jubal Smith, Entergy Corporation, Inc.
Mr. Phil Schoettlin, Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce

Special Representatives

Mr. Shelby Johnson, State Land Information Coordinator
Mr. Ray Fox, U.S. Geological Survey


The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. in the 2nd Floor Conference Room, Ragland Building, in Little Rock. Minutes from the last meeting of the June 21, 2000, meeting were unanimously approved.

Report from the State Land Information Coordinator

Project Main

Shelby Johnson explained the final edits for the project have been completed at CAST. Shelby related that some areas of the state were not completely verified and that will be dealt with later.

GIS Audit

Shelby explained that the audit has been completed and is in a database. He will be able to generate detailed reports and this data will be made available on line. He estimated a response rate of about 35%. Shelby announced that he has hired Learon Dalby from the UALR GIS applications lab as a GIS specialist to support the State Land Information Coordinator's office. Learon will be taking full responsibility right away for Project MAIN and for the GIS audit reporting.

Grant for Aerial Photography Project and GeoStor

Shelby explained that Don Melton will be assisting when him in presenting another grant proposal to the Economic Development Fund Commission for funding for GeoStor.

Old Business


Shelby Johnson explained that there is nothing really new to report on the NAPP as there is no flying being done at this time. The innovative partnership has been finalized and has been submitted to the USGS contracts office in Reston, with assistance from Ray Fox from USGS. Shelby said that he has worked with Ray also for the USGS workshare agreement, which will facilitate the state acquiring the existing DOQQs and DEMs to be used in the processing of the color infrared photography by Pixxures. Ray Fox commented that it was being signed when he left his office in Missouri and hoped it was in the mail at the time of the meeting. Shelby said that he has not received any feedback yet regarding the innovative partnership, but that he knows it has been filed.

Color Infrared Photography Project

Shelby Johnson explained that Pixxures is focusing on the Corps of Engineers project area and that they plan delivery of that data on September 15, 2000. This represents one-foot color DOQQs and LIDAR two-foot coutour terrain data along the Arkansas River. Shelby pointed out that this must be delivered by September 30, 2000, and that Pixxures is in the process of lining up all the production procedures for scanning, etc., related to the one-meter CIR DOQQs. He said he has met Mr. Larry Conte, the Pixxures representative who has been assigned to be the production manager for the CIR photography, and that he is impressed with his expertise.

Suzanne Wiley asked if it would be possible to acquire a sample of the one-foot color photography prior to the meeting with the Economic Development Fund Commission in September and Shelby said that he would ask about this. Ray Fox asked if Shelby knew when the USGS would be sent a sample of the data. Shelby said that the Pixxures representatives will be coming into town for a meeting to cover updates and coordination and that it will be discussed at the meeting.

Shelby explained to the members that as part of the requirements of the innovative partnership is that the state submit a sample of the photography to the NAPP office for them to inspect so that they have a sense of how the data is looking.

Arkansas Highway Department Data Coordination

Shelby Johnson reminded the Board of the positive response from the Director of AHTD regarding sharing data. The Director has assigned Mr. Bill Durham in the Computer Services Division to assist Shelby with the project and in looking at what data the AHTD would consider contributing. Shelby met with Mr. Durham and others from the AHTD and they had a very positive discussion. Shelby will provide a list of items that will be in GeoStor that would be of benefit to the AHTD. Those items will be on a list with the items from AHTD that could be contributed to GeoStor and will pass it up the management chain in AHTD for approval. Shelby explained that in the interim, Mr. Durham has retired and that he is not sure who the new representative will be in regards to this project, but that he and AHTD representatives will be meeting again soon.

Advisory Panel

Shelby Johnson explained that the database was not quite complete and he asked for the members to forward the missing information as soon as possible. He said that at this point the count was at 152 major stakeholders. Suzanne Wiley stressed that it was important to complete this information so that the project can move forward. Phyllis Smith discussed the next GIS Users Forum meeting on August 30. It was decided that the LIB would do a presentation for the next meeting as practice for the stakeholder's meeting on September 7.

A Stakeholder Presentation Committee was formed consisting of Shelby Johnson, Randy Jones, Susan Cromwell, Jim Wells, and Jubal Smith. The committee will meet on August 2nd at 9:30 at the offices of the Department of Information Systems. The committee will continue planning for the Stakeholders meeting.

Future Meetings

The August 23th meeting will be held in Little Rock and the proposed visit to U of A at Monticello will be rescheduled. A tentative meeting date for Setpember was set for the 20th.


The meeting was then adjourned.

Following the business meeting, Ray Fox from the USGS gave a presentation to the Board about the U.S. Geological Survey restructuring and goals for the future.

Following Ray Fox's presentation, the Board continued work on draft legislation to be presented in 2001. It was decided that the Legislative Committee would meet to prepare the second draft later in August.