December 9, 1999


Mr. William Bush, Arkansas Geological Commission
Ms. Susan Cromwell, Department of Information Systems
Mr. Cecil Davis, Department of Arkansas Heritage
Mr. Randy Jones, First Electric Cooperative Corporation
Mr. Fred Limp, CAST
Ms. Shirley Sandlin, Benton County
Mr. Phil Schoettlin, Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Jubal Smith, Entergy Corporation, Inc.
Ms. Phyllis Smith, UALR
Ms. Suzanne Wiley, UAM

Not Attending

Mr. Duane Reel, City of Jacksonville
Mr. Jim Wells, Wellsco Graphics Solutions

Special Representatives

Mr. Shelby Johnson, State Land Information Coordinator
Ray Fox, USGS


The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. in the 17th Floor Conference Room, Union Building, in Little Rock.   Minutes from the last meeting of November 19, 1999, were unanimously approved.


Report from the State Land Information Coordinator

Shelby Johnson gave an update of the activities of his office.  He explained that he is scheduled to give a report to the Electronic Records Study Commission on December 9, 1999, and will be speaking at the County judges' meeting in March of 2000. 

Shelby talked about the success of the satellite image purchase that was made through a cooperative effort by a number of agencies.  It was highly successful and saved each agency several thousand dollars on the cost of the digital information by sharing in the purchase.

Fred Limp then made a motion that the Board formally write a letter to the director of the Game & Fish Commission acknowledging Mike Mitchell's contributions in arranging the satellite image purchase, and also to Michael Hipp recognizing the contributions of D I S.  He commented that the purchase arrangement  saved the state substantial amounts of money and that acknowledging these efforts would simultaneously promote the Board while giving credit to the people who did the hard work.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously, and Suzanne Wiley agreed to draft a letter.

CIR Project

The continuing color infrared photography project was discussed and a motion was made by Susan Cromwell that the state be flown in March of 2000 and evaluation of the options of NAPP and DOQQ production be done.  Phyllis Smith seconded the motion.  Further discussion ensued regarding the project, possible vendors, and ways to meet a March 2000 deadline.  Randy Jones made a motion to amend the motion on the floor to propose that the Board will pursue the project of CIR photography of the state in 2000 and will make every effort to do that.  Fred Limp further amended the motion to include the statement that it is understood that there are both risks and advantages to this effort.  Phyllis Smith seconded the motion.  The motion was passed unanimously.

Suzanne Wiley then opened a discussion on how to move forward with the project.  Following discussion regarding opening the contract process for vendors, Phyllis Smith made a motion to submit a Request for Proposal (RFP) for vendor consideration.  Fred limp seconded the motion.  The motion carried, with Bill Bush voting in opposition.  Details of the RFP were discussed.  Phyllis Smith then made a motion to send out a request for qualifications to vendors.  Fred Limp seconded the motion.  The motion passed with Bill Bush voting in opposition.

Phyllis suggested that once replies are received from vendors, that the Board hold a conference call for discussion. 

New Business

Bill Bush handed out personal financial statement forms for all the members.  He also advised the Board that he will be finishing the annual report which has to be filed by December 31.  He asked the members to help draw up a list of accomplishments to be included in the report.

The meeting was then adjourned.